January 28, 2025
Mr. Speaker:
Your CONSUMER & PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred
has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:
1. On page 2, strike lines 21 through 25 and on page 3, strike lines 1 through 6 and insert in lieu thereof:
"B. Unless the case is dismissed upon motion of a party or through diversion:
(1) if the question of a defendant's competency is raised in a court other than a district court or a metropolitan court, the case shall be transferred to the district court; or
(2) if the question of a defendant's competency is raised in a metropolitan court and the court determines that the defendant is not competent to stand trial, the case shall be transferred to the district court."".
2. On page 3, lines 14 and 15, remove the brackets and the line through "psychologist or psychiatrist or other".
3. On page 11, line 25, after "jail", insert "within seventy-two hours".
4. On page 12, line 6, strike "by the" and strike line 7 up to the semicolon and insert in lieu thereof "in a secure, locked, licensed inpatient psychiatric hospital".
5. On page 12, line 12, strike "department of health" and insert in lieu thereof "inpatient psychiatric hospital".
6. On page 12, line 14, strike the first occurrence of "commitment" and strike the period.
7. On page 12, lines 14 through 17, remove the bracket and line-through and on line 17, strike "his" and insert in lieu thereof "the secretary's" and strike the comma and insert in lieu thereof an opening bracket.
8. On page 13, lines 5 through 7, remove the brackets and line-through and on line 7, strike "his" and insert in lieu thereof "the secretary's".
9. On page 13, line 15, strike "a department of health" and insert in lieu thereof "an inpatient psychiatric".
10. On page 15, line 8, remove the brackets and line-through and strike the underscored language.
11. On page 18, lines 15 and 16, remove the brackets and line-through and strike the underscored language.
12. On page 21, lines 1 and 2, remove the bracket and the line through "treatment supervisor" and on line 2, insert an opening bracket before "has" and strike "department of health".
13. On page 24, line 21, strike "by the" and strike line 22 up to the semicolon and insert in lieu thereof "in a secure, locked, licensed inpatient psychiatric hospital".
14. On page 27, line 3, before the period, insert ", and the evaluator shall be provided with the necessary and available documents reasonably required for admission pursuant to written policies adopted by the secretary of health or the secretary's designee.".,
and thence referred to the JUDICIARY COMMITTEE.
Respectfully submitted,
Joanne J. Ferrary, Chair
Adopted Not Adopted
(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)
The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against
Yes: 6
No: 0
Excused: None
Absent: None
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